I have been doing lots of planning in the background to bring The Nature Within touring Museum experience to fruition. Back in 2016 I won an award for multimedia climate change art in a national gallery show featuring art that is a response to pope Francis’ address on climate change that out lined the necessary steps we need to take in order to save our planet and the beings on it on it. I’ve been working on a proposal for funding as well as looking for collaborators for this immersive entertainment experience. It’s a 30 minute “ art meditation” featuring 12 paintings, with accompanying poetry and music composition About the love 12 poets have for this planet and their own personal relationship to nature. Each piece is two minutes long. Just long enough to really enjoy it before moving on to something completely different. I’ll be choosing 12 poets from around the world to share experience in order to inspire others to feel their own connection and relationship… More than the appreciation of beauty… But the very fact that it gives us our very life and breath.
A short video that gives you more ideas as to what I am brewing up!