Multimedia Love Letters of the Earth

Gratitude- Music and Art by Sylvia Brallier. Poetry, Bob Gratrix

Sylvia Brallier named National Grand Prize Winner in Multimedia Art Contest on Climate Change

Berkeley, November 29, 2016 Multi-media artist Sylvia Brallier was named grand prize winner in an art show mounted by the Encyclical Gallery in response to Pope Francis’s “Encyclical on Climate Change and Inequality, On Care For Our Common Home.”   The exhibition ran from October 15th – November 19th, 2016 at the Encyclical Gallery in Berkeley, CA. Ms. Brallier’s work specializes in fine art, music, and the written word, all of which were combined in her winning multimedia  installation at the Encyclical Gallery. Each of the three paintings exhibited in her specially constructed immersive installation featured paintings inspired by a poet’s relationship to The Nature Within . Each painting features a portrait of a poet and their experience of nature, accompanied by music (composed by Ms. Brallier) and this  poem

  Grand prize winner, Sylvia Brallier’s early studies in botanical illustration gave her an intimate look into the miracle of life on this planet. She is a lover of beauty and seeks to portray “just a glimmer of what the majesty of nature produces on a daily basis.” She has spent her whole life dedicated to using her various artistic talents to improve the quality of life for all beings on the planet.

In 1988, Sylvia helped to create multimedia programming for cable television as a part of a collective called A.M.U.S.E. (Artists and Musicians United to Save the Earth). They produced an arts and awareness cable show for Earth Day that was broadcast from hundreds of cable stations across the country.

Curators of the Encyclical Gallery Show, Elisabeth Jones MFA and John Tepley MFA have stated that, “What we are most impressed with by Pope Francis’s Encyclical ,is his love of the natural world, his connectedness to all life great and small, and his marvel and awe in creation. It’s a point of view in which everyone and everything is related. Justice is key in his vision. Justice to the poor, for those who are socially disadvantaged, for future generations, and to the different living creatures with whom we share the planet.”

Three awards were planned, which included both inclusion in the exhibit and cash rewards totaling $2,250. Ms. Brallier was the grand prize winner with Olivia Hill in second place, and the third award a tie between  Stephanie Bauer & Sean Brown.

Future plans for Ms. Brallier’s installation include expanding this Environmental awareness exhibit to a larger number of multi-media compositions, featuring poets from around the world, all sharing their love of  nature and their choice to actively participate in sustainable and life affirming art and lifestyle. 

Interested parties can learn more about Ms. Brallier and the Nature Within Immersive Art Installation by contacting her through the website. You can sign up to start supporting this important art right away at Sylvia’s Patreon site. Any support is deeply appreciated.